About Us

BookBharat is a committed marketplace under LMP BOOK HOUSE. launched in 2022, which offers varieties of products ranging from Book, Digital Products. Electronics, educational packages, smartphones, computing & accessories items, health, and hygiene, etc. BookBharat  believes in “Changing Experience” with excellent customer service and satisfaction so that customers get a hassle-free product delivery at their nearest location all over India.

Changing Experience is the core!

Your best customer experience is our core value, we care for you!

BookBharat . has started its journey to let you experience the best of your everyday online shopping. Our experience-oriented team works to bring the best products for you and ensure your smooth digital shopping every day. Imagine the problems you face in online shopping, and we are here to eliminate them all for establishing the eCommerce trust and experience in our nation, for a better tomorrow!

Our Core Policies:

  • Full India Coverage for open-ground shopping facility
  • Anything you need, will be available on the platform
  • Wide selection of the best local and foreign brands
  • True Fastest Delivery Service, 01 to 10 days
  • 7 Days Easy and Free Return Policy, Feel Free to Place Order
  • 100% Customer Protection Policy, so no doubt on choosing us
  • Customers are the priority, and Lmp Book House is here to prioritize the customers!

We are Online, Active, 24/7

Experience the best Customer Experience

Customer satisfaction is our top-most priority. To get you connected, we have 24/7 customer care service.

  • You can Email us at bookbharat24@gmail.com  we will reach you at our earliest.
  • Facebook chat or through Facebook Messenger on our Page or BookBharat.com website.
  • Feedback calls to hear from our customers after every single delivery is done

Easy Return & Refund Process

Our customer protection policy is made for you!

We care about your experience with us! If you have any issues with our product, you can return to us intact and fully free! Your refund requests are never delayed for no reason, rather we instantly process them for your quick receive.

  • We accept returns from anywhere.
  • We pay your courier charges back!
  • Refunds are processed instantly from our end, so the accounts/payment gateway/bank system delay won’t be long for you!

Get 50% Discount.

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